Forget the sanctions; focus on Iran’s willpower

Forget the sanctions; focus on Iran’s willpower

It hasn’t been the easiest time dealing with COVID-19 in Iran.

For one, the whole world is looking at you under a microscope, as you’re dealing with a dangerous virus.

You’re also under attack by sanctions that are affecting many parts of daily life.

But the many beautiful things I’ve witnessed in this country have left me speechless. And I would hope we don’t just turn Iran into a sob story.

These days many Iranian Americans will speak about sanctions and how Iran is suffering. While it’s true, I beg you to ask those of us living inside the country about the wonderful things also going on.

Iran should not be defined by just sanctions, and the problems. And this unrealistic view of what we “want” Iran to look like.

One of my teachers wanted us to read a book as a class, but since we are all quarantined, she instead gave us directions to send the book to each other via a taxi delivery service. We were given directions to disinfect the book first, and place it in a second plastic bag to avoid any external contamination.

And she also sent a packet of money to help each of us pay for the fare.

Just recently a neighbor of mine mentioned she received a bottle of disinfectant for free from a group working with the Iranian military.

They were handing it out to many residents. And on a short drive outside to pick up medication and groceries, we saw volunteers of the same force in our neighborhood spraying cars down with disinfectant.

There are also stations set up around the city giving free spray-downs.

Iranian students are sewing face masks, seminary students are volunteering at hospitals – this is also Iran.

Ayatollah Syed Ali Khamenei has honored the sacrifices of the Iranian people. He acknowledged their troubles and encouraged the nation to look within and stand stronger. To utilize the talents and skills of the Iranian people so that the country could diffuse the effects of sanctions.

During the pandemic, he has asked the people of Iran to heed the advice and recommendations of medical experts.

If anything in a time of hardship, you want a leader who doesn’t lie to you, treats you with respect, and builds you up. That’s why year after year Iranians still come out in support of the Supreme Leader.

I just saw a beautiful video of a tribute to Iranian medical personnel helping during the COVID-19 pandemic. They are gifted with a piece of carpet from the holy shrine of Imam Reza in Mashhad.

These professionals are given the gift on the day of Imam Hussain’s birthday. A revered leader who fought against injustice. A role model for many Muslims.

The beauty lies in their reactions of this special gift on such a special day.

Why can’t we appreciate an attachment to faith? Especially in such a time of hardship when the entire world is gripped by a microscopic virus.

Honestly these days most of us are left scratching our heads. Our lives have turned upside down. Yet if we look deep within, there’s a small light of hope only ignited by faith in a Higher Being.

Forget the sanctions for a minute. And focus on the strength and love for community. Even if America doesn’t give sanctions relief, will we expect Iranians to lay down and die? No, God willing, they’ll come out stronger than ever before.

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